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Our Standard Car Wash


Typical car wash uses sponges or even damned clothes to wash your vehicle. Which is a very wrong practice as sponges are flat and has no room for the sands and small particles between the sponge and the dirty surface. Thus, this would ended up scratching your car's paintwork. And that is how swirl-marks are usually formed over time.


At vWash, we wash in a professional manner using Meguiar's Microfibre Wash Mitt. Meguiar’s® extra thick Microfibre Wash Mitt is the ultimate choice for show car perfect finishes. The clear coat safe Microfibre lifts and traps dirt and grime for a brilliant, swirl-free finish.


The best of all is we are offering such service at a very reasonable price with only RM15 for each wash and vacuum for sedan and RM18-RM20 for larger size vehicles. 

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